Van Grant Program
Rules and Requirements
- Vehicles must be used for a transportation-related purpose for residents who live within Mason County, WA.
- Only one (1) vehicle will be awarded per agency/organization per year.
- Application must clearly designate the primary applicant who will be named as “buyer” on vehicle title, if selected as a recipient.
- Trips must originate in Mason County, WA.
- Trips to or from religious worship, devotion or instruction may not be counted in meeting the selection criteria. This restriction does not affect the use of the vehicle once an award has been made.
- Applicant must certify they have the financial and management capacity to insure granted vehicle, if selected as a recipient.
- Applicants must certify they have the financial and management capacity to maintain vehicles in good working condition.
- Applicants must provide a copy of the 501(c)(3) non-profit certification, if applicable.
- Successful applicants will be required to sign an agreement relating to the exchange of vehicles for transportation-related services.
- Applicants must track ridership, hours, miles of service and vehicle use description and provide a quarterly report to Mason Transit.
- Applicants shall only provide transportation to their clients, members, guest or other similar users with vehicles supplied under this program. They shall not provide transportation to the general public.
- Applicants shall not use the vehicle for assisting a campaign for election or for the promotion of or opposition to any ballot proposition.
Surplus Van Grant Recipients
Turning Pointe Survivor Advocacy Center
Mason County Search and Rescue
Faith in Action
Hood Canal Food Bank
Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group
Gethsemane Ministries
Shelton Youth Connection