Public Hearings

Public Hearings

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The Transit Development Plan (TDP) is Mason Transit Authority’s annual update as required under Washington State RCW Section 35.58.2795, Public Transportation Systems — Six‑Year Transit Plans. This report provides summary information for 2023 as well as projected changes for 2024-2029. The TDP details MTA’s current service, infrastructure, equipment and financial outlook and provides a five-year forecast of and planned service development, capital investment and budget assumptions.­­­


The following is a link to the initial DRAFT TDP submitted to the MTA Authority Board at its June 18, 2024, Board meeting.


Initial DRAFT Transit Development Plan


Second DRAFT Transit Development Plan



Paper copies of the final draft plan will be available at the public hearing held in conjunction with the regular meeting on July 16, 2024. The final draft plan will be presented to the Mason Transit Authority Board for acceptance and approval at that July 16, 2024 Board meeting.



For additional information, please contact Amy Asher, General Manager, at






Written questions and/or comments, may be submitted to Mason Transit Authority via email or regular post prior to Monday, July 5, 2024 at 5:00 PM.


ADDRESS: 790 E Johns Prairie Rd, Shelton, WA 98584
PHONE: 360-426-9434 | 1-800-374-3747 | TTY/Relay: 711 | FAX: 360-426-0899


All participants are welcome at MTA’s public hearings. Meeting locations are ADA accessible. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access provided, please call 360-426-9434 in advance. We will make every effort to meet accommodation requests.