Below are links to the Mason Transit Authority Board resolutions, in PDF file format. If you are unable to access PDF files, please contact our administration office by calling 360-426-9434 or 800-374-3747, or email, to request accessible copies.
Please note: If any resolutions are missing from this list, they have been rescinded by a more recent resolution.
- Resolution No. 2025-04
A resolution approving MTA’s Washington Paid Sick Leave (POL-309) and superseding
and replacing in full any previously adopted or approved Washington Paid Sick Leave,
including rescinding Resolutions Nos. 2017-43 and 2018-22.
- Resolution No. 2025-03
A resolution approving MTA’s Drug & Alcohol Policy (POL-301) and
superseding and replacing in full any previously adopted or approved
MTA Drug & Alcohol Policy, including rescinding Resolution No. 2020-14. - Resolution No. 2025-02
A resolution approving MTA’s Wellness Program (POL-602) and
superseding and replacing in full any previously adopted or approved
MTA Wellness Program, including rescinding Resolution No. 2019-27. - Resolution No. 2025-01
A resolution approving MTA’s Employee Recognition Program Policy (POL-302)
and superseding and replacing in full any previously adopted or approved MTA Employee Recognition Program Policy, including rescinding Resolution No. 2019-40.
- Resolution No. 2024-17
A resolution approving fees to be paid for network penetration testing. - Resolution No. 2024-16
A resolution amending Resolutions Nos. 2022-10 and 2022-19, to extend the end date
of the Zero Fare Pilot Program. - Resolution No. 2024-15
A resolution adopting a budget for calendar year beginning January 1, 2025. - Resolution No. 2024-14
A resolution establishing the 2025 schedule of regular meeting for the MTA Board. - Resolution No. 2024-13
A resolution authorizing the GM to sign an agreement relating to the exchange
of Asset#7629 for transit related services for a van grant recipient to be awarded
as approved by the Board. - Resolution No. 2024-12
A resolution amending Resolutions Nos. 2024-05 and 2024-06 by approving
the second amendment to the Operating Grants PTD0952 and PTD0952-01
Agreement between MTA and WSDOT and authorizing the GM to sign that
Second Amendment to Agreement PTD0952. - Resolution No. 2024-11
A resolution authorizing the disposal of a surplus vehicle. - Resolution No. 2024-10
A resolution approving the agreement between MTA and Berg Marketing and
authorizing the GM to sign same. - Resolution No. 2024-09
A resolution approving Capital Grant Agreement PTD973 between MTA and
WSDOT and authorizing the GM to sign same. - Resolution No. 2024-08
A resolution approving Capital Grant Agreement PTD0972 between
MTA and WSDOT and authorizing the GM to sign same. - Resolution No. 2024-07
A resolution amending Resolutions Nos. 2021-31 and 2024-03 by approving the
Second Amendment to the Operating Grant Agreement PTD0344 and authorizing
the GM to sign that Second Amendment to Agreement PTD0344. - Resolution No. 2024-06
A resolution amending Resolution No. 2024-05 by approving the First Amendment
to the Operating Grant Agreement PTD0952-01 & authorizing the GM to sign that
First Amendment to Agreement PTD0952. - Resolution No. 2024-05
A Resolution approving operating grant agreement PTD0952 and authorizing the
GM to sign that agreement. - Resolution No. 2024-04
A Resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus vehicles. - Resolution No. 2024-03
A Resolution amending Resolution No. 2021-31 by approving the First Amendment to
Capital Grant Agreement PTD0344-01 and authorizing the GM to sign that First Amendment. - Resolution No. 2024-02
A Resolution approving the ILA between Mason County and Mason Transit Authority for
Public Works reimbursable work, supplies and services and authorizing the GM to sign
that agreement. - Resolution No. 2024-01
A Resolution approving the Right! Systems Agreement dated December 15, 2023 and
authorizing the GM sign that Agreement
- Resolution No. 2023-17
A resolution authorizing the GM to sign agreements relating to exchange of vehicle
for transit related services for van grant recipients awarded in December, 2023. - Resolution No. 2023-16
A resolution establishing the 2024 schedule of regular meetings for the MTA Board. - Resolution No. 2023-15
A resolution adopting a budget for the the calendar year beginning
January 1, 2024. - Resolution No. 2023-14
A resolution approving Operating Grant Agreement PTD0691 and authorizing
the GM to sign that agreement. - Resolution No. 2023-13
A resolution approving Agreement PTD0594 between MTA and WSDOT and
authorizing the GM to execute the same. - Resolution No. 2023-12
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus vehicles. - Resolution No. 2023-11
A resolution approving Agreement PTD0690 between MTA and WSDOT and
authorizing the GM to execute same. - Resolution No. 2023-10
A resolution authorizing the GM to sign the Third Amendment to Contract
for Goods and Services with the Squaxin Island Tribe to provide routine
services and maintenance on the Tribe’s transit buses. - Resolution No. 2023-09
A resolution approving the second amendment to agreement PTD0192
between MTA and WSDOT and authorizing the GM to execute same. - Resolution No. 2023-08
A resolution approving the agreement with IAM & AW District Lodge 160
for the period June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2026 and authorizing the
General Manager to sign that agreement. - Resolution No. 2023-07
A resolution approving the First Amendment to Agreement PTD0235 between
WSDOT & MTA and authorizing the General Manager to execute the same. - Resolution No. 2023-06
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus equipment. - Resolution No. 2023-05
A resolution amending Resolutions Nos. 2021-23 and 2021-29 by approving the
Second Amendment to Operating Grant Agreement PTD0270 and authorizing the
GM to sign that agreement. - Resolution No. 2023-04
A resolution amending Resolutions Nos. 2021-22 and 2021-28 by approving the
Second Amendment to Operating Grant Agreement PTD0269 and authorizing the
GM to sign that agreement. - Resolution No. 2023-03
A resolution amending Resolutions Nos. 2021-21 and 2021-27 by approving the
Second Amendment to Operating Grant Agreement PTD0268 and authorizing the
GM to sign that agreement. - Resolution No. 2023-02
A resolution approving Capital Grant Agreement PTD0598 and
authorizing the GM to sign that agreement. - Resolution No. 2023-01
A resolution rescinding Resolutions Nos. 1992-05 and 2017-25; and removing the
two cash drawers at the Transit-Community Center and the cash drawer and
petty cash drawer at the Johns Prairie facility previously used for fare sales
and making change.
- Resolution No. 2022-24
A resolution establishing the 20 - 23 schedule of regular meetings for the MTA Board.
- Resolution No. 2022-23
A resolution adopting a budget for the Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area for the calendar year beginning January 1, 2023. - Resolution No. 2022-22
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus equipment. - Resolution No. 2022-21
A resolution approving the agreement between MTA & IAM & AW Lodge 160 for the
period September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2025 and authorizing the GM to sign
the agreement. - Resolution No. 2022-20
A resolution approving Department of Ecology Grant Agreement TCPIRA-2123-MCoTBA-00063
and authorizing the GM to sign that agreement. - Resolution No. 2022-19
A resolution adopting a Zero Fare Pilot Program January 1, 2023-December 31, 2025 - Resolution No. 2022-18
A resolution approving the agreement between MTA and Berg Marketing Group
for public relations services and authorizing the GM to sign the agreement. - Resolution No. 2022-17
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus equipment and
rescinding Resolution No. 2022-11. - Resolution No. 2022-16
A resolution approving Green Transportation Planning Grant
Agreement PTD0568 and authorizing the General Manager to
sign that agreement. - Resolution No. 2022-15
A resolution approving a right-of-way ownership transfer of the
Frontage Road of the Extended Log Yard Road to the Mason County
road system and authorizing the GM to carryout that right of way
dedication to Mason County. - Resolution No. 2022-14
A resolution approving the update to the Mason Transit Authority
Employee Handbook dated December 21, 2021. - Resolution No. 2022-13
A resolution approving the revised WA Paid Family & Medical Leave
Policy (POL-311) and superseding and replacing in full any previously
adopted or approved WA Paid Family & Medical Leave Policy, including
rescinding Resolution No. 2019-38. - Resolution No. 2022-12
A resolution approving the MTA Sick Leave Policy (POL-310) and
superseding and replacing in full any previously adopted or
approved MTA sick leave policy, including rescinding
Resolution No. 2020-04 - Resolution No. 2022-10
A resolution for the purpose of adopting a Youth 18 and Under Zero
Fare Pilot Program during the period of September 1, 2022 –
December 31, 2025. - Resolution No. 2022-09
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus equipment. - Resolution No. 2022-08
A resolution approving Operating Grant Agreement PTD0541 and
authorizing the General Manager to sign that Agreement. - Resolution No. 2022-07
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus parts. - Resolution No. 2022-06
A resolution revising the Electronic Signature Policy (POL-705) and
superseding and replacing in full any previously adopted or approved
electronic signature policy, including rescinding Resolution No. 2020-11. - Resolution No. 2022-05
A resolution approving the ILA with the City of Shelton regarding
the bus pullout construction at Pacific Court and authorizing the
GM to sign that ILA. - Resolution No. 2022-04
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus equipment. - Resolution No. 2022-03
A resolution approving Construction Change Directive 011 to the Agreement
between MTA and Rognlin’s Inc. effective August 18, 2020 and authorizing
the General Manager to sign that change order. - Resolution No. 2022-02
A resolution approving Construction Change Directive 010 to the Agreement
between MTA and Rognlin’s Inc. effective August 18, 2020 and authorizing
the General Manager to sign that change order. - Resolution No. 2022-01
A resolution rescinding Resolution No. 2020-40.
- Resolution No. 2021-38
A resolution approving the MTA Employee Handbook dated December 21, 2021. - Resolution No. 2021-37
A resolution revising the Travel and Travel Reimbursement Policy (POL-402) and superseding and
replacing in full any previously adopted or approved travel and travel reimbursement policy,
including rescinding Resolution No. 2020-46. - Resolution No. 2021-36
A resolution adopting a budget for Mason County PTBA for the calendar year beginning January 1, 2022. - Resolution No. 2021-35
A resolution establishing the 2022 schedule of regular meetings for the MTA Board - Resolution No. 2021-34
A resolution approving the Cooperative Agreement with WSDOT re the Matlock Park and Ride
Operation and Maintenance and authorizing the General Manager to sign that agreement. - Resolution No. 2021-33
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus vehicles. - Resolution No. 2021-32
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign the Terms and Conditions Contract
with JayRay for public relations services. - Resolution No. 2021-31
A resolution approving Capital Grant Agreement PTD0344 and authorizing General Manager to sign. - Resolution No. 2021-30
A resolution approving Agreement PTD0469 and authorizing General Manager to sign. - Resolution No. 2021-29
A resolution amending Resolution No. 2021-23 by approving the First Amendment
to Agreement PTD0270 and authorizing General Manager to sign. - Resolution No. 2021-28
A resolution amending Resolution No. 2021-22 by approving the First Amendment
to Agreement PTD0269 and authorizing General Manager to sign. - Resolution No. 2021-27
A resolution amending Resolution No. 2021-21 by approving the First Amendment
to Agreement PTD0268 and authorizing General Manager to sign. - Resolution No. 2021-26
A resolution amending Resolution No. 2021-09, approving Fourth Amendment
to Agreement GCB2304 between MTA and WSDOT and authorizing General Manager
to sign. - Resolution No. 2021-25
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus equipment and software. - Resolution No. 2021-24
A resolution approving Construction Change Directive 003 to the Agreement between
MTA and Rognlin’s Inc. and authorizing the General Manager to sign that change order. - Resolution No. 2021-23
A resolution approving Operating Grant Agreement PTD0270 and authorizing
the General Manager to sign that agreement. - Resolution No. 2021-22
A resolution approving Operating Grant Agreement PTD0269 and authorizing
the General Manager to sign that agreement. - Resolution No 2021-21
A resolution approving Operating Grant Agreement PTD0268 and authorizing
the General Manager to sign that agreement. - Resolution No. 2021-20
A resolution approving CRRSAA Act Operating Grant Agreement PTD0235 and
authorizing the General Manager to sign that agreement. - Resolution No. 2021-19
A resolution removing the Interim GM as signer for all MTA accounts
and granting new General Manager, Amy Asher, as signer for all MTA accounts. - Resolution No. 2021-18
A resolution approving the interlocal Cooperative Agreement between
Mason County and MTA and authorizing the General Manager to execute same. - Resolution No. 2021-17
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus vehicles. - Resolution No. 2021-16
A resolution amending Resolutions Nos. 2019-23, 2020-22 and 2020-33 by approving
the Third Amendment to Agreement PTD0044 between MTA and WSDOT and
authorizing the General Manager to execute same. - Resolution No. 2021-15
A resolution approving the agreement for the STAR Pass Program Agreement PTD0225
between MTA and WSDOT and authorizing the Interim General Manager to execute same. - Resolution No. 2021-14
A resolution amending Resolutions Nos. 2019-31 and 2020-34 by approving the
Second Amendment to Agreement PTD0081 between MTA and WSDOT and
authorizing the Acting General Manager to execute same. - Resolution No. 2021-13
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus vehicles. - Resolution No. 2021-12
A resolution terminating the MTA vanpool utionprogram. - Resolution No. 2021-11
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus equipment. - Resolution No. 2021-10
A resolution approving the MTA Employee Handbook dated April 20, 2021. - Resolution No. 2021-09
A resolution approving the Third Amendment to Agreement GCB2304 between MTA and WSDOT
and authorizing the Interim GM to execute same. - Resolution No. 2021-08
A resolution approving the agreement with Prothman for recruitment services
and authorizing the Interim GM to sign the agreement. - Resolution No. 2021-07
A resolution authorizing the removal of the former GM and granting the
Interim GM, Michael Ringgenberg, as signer for all MTA accounts. - Resolution No. 2021-06
A resolution rescinding Resolution No. 2019-33 which approved MTA’s
Service Animals and Pets Policy - Resolution No. 2021-05
A resolution revising the Americans with Disabilities Policy (POL-504) and
superseding and replacing in full any previously adopted or approved
Americans with Disabilities Policy, including rescinding Resolution No. 2019-11. - Resolution No. 2021-04
A resolution revising the COVID-19 Supplemental Leave Authorization Policy (POL-312)
and superseding and replacing in full any previously adopted or approved
COVID-19 supplemental leave authorization policy, including rescinding
Resolution No. 2020-07. - Resolution No. 2021-03
A resolution approving and authorizing the General Manager to sign the
project agreement and terms and conditions with Right! Systems Inc. for
technology management. - Resolution No. 2021-02
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus equipment. - Resolution No. 2021-01
A resolution approving the revised Strategic Plan.
- Resolution No. 2020-47
A resolution revising the No-Show Policy (POL-509) and superseding and
replacing in full any previously adopted or approved no-show policy, including
rescinding Resolution No. 2019-34. - Resolution No. 2020-45
A resolution adopting an equal Employment Opportunity Policy (POL-307) and
superseding and replacing in full any previously adopted or approved employment
opportunity policy, including rescinding Resolution No. 2017-16. - Resolution No. 2020-44
A resolution adopting a revised Customer Comment/Complaint Policy (POL-505)
and superseding and replacing in full any previously adopted or approved Customer
Comment/Complaint Policy, including rescinding Resolution No. 2017-42. - Resolution No. 2020-43
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus equipment. - Resolution No. 2020-42
A resolution adopting a budget for MCPTBA for the calendar year beginning January 1, 2021. - Resolution No. 2020-41
A resolution approving and authorizing the General Manager to sign the terms
and conditions contract with JayRay for public relations services. - Resolution No. 2020-39
A resolution adopting a revised Special Event Service Policy (POL-503) and
superseding and replacing in full any previously adopted or approved
special event service policy, including rescinding Resolution No. 2016-23. - Resolution No. 2020-38
A resolution adopting a revised Performance Counseling Policy (POL-304)
and superseding and replacing in full any previously adopted or approved
performance counseling policy, including rescinding Resolution No. 2016-32. - Resolution No. 2020-37
A resolution adopting a revised Records Management Policy (POL-206) and
superseding and replacing in full any previously adopted or approved
Records Manage Policy, including rescinding Resolution No. 2019-36. - Resolution No. 2020-36
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus equipment. - Resolution No. 2020-35
A resolution establishing the 2021 schedule of regular meetings for the
Mason Transit Authority Board. - Resolution No. 2020-34
A resolution amending Resolution No. 2019-31 by approving the First Amendment
to Agreement PTD0081 with WSDOT for capital grant agreement and authorizing
the General Manager to sign the First Amendment to Agreement PTD0081. - Resolution No. 2020-33
A resolution amending Resolutions Nos. 2019-23 and 2020-22 by approving the
Second Amendment to Agreement PTD0044 with WSDOT for operating grant
agreement and authorizing the General Manager to sign the Second Amendment
to Agreement PTD0044. - Resolution No. 2020-32
A resolution authorizing disposal of surplus vehicles. - Resolution No. 2020-30
A resolution approving a voluntary resignation and retirement incentive program. - Resolution No. 2020-29
A resolution revising the Cell Phone Policy (POL-703) which shall supersede and
replace in full any previously adopted Cell Phone Policy, and rescinding
Resolution No. 2014-38. - Resolution No. 2020-28
A resolution revising the Meals with Meetings Policy (POL-404) which shall supersede
and replace in full any previously adopted Meals with Meetings Policy, and rescinding
Resolution No. 2014-15. - Resolution No. 2020-27
A resolution revising the Education Assistance Program Policy (POL-303) which shall
supersede and replace in full any previously adopted Education Assistance Program Policy,
and rescinding Resolution No. 2015-06. - Resolution No. 2020-26
A resolution revising the Title VI Policy and Plan (POL-203) for the FTA and WSDOT,
which shall supersede and replace in full any previously adopted Title VI policy and
rescinding Resolution No. 2017-27 - Resolution No. 2020-25
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to execute the Second Amendment to
Contract for Goods and/or Services with the Squaxin Island Tribe to provide routine
Service and Maintenance on the Tribe’s transit buses. - Resolution No. 2020-24
A resolution approving the First Amendment to Agreement PTD0192 with WSDOT
for the 5311 CARES Act funding and authorizing the General Manager to sign that
First Amendment to Agreement PTD0192. - Resolution No. 2020-23
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to award the winning bid and sign
a contract with Rognlin’s, Inc. of Aberdeen, Washington, for the MTA Park and Ride
Construction Projects in an amount of $3,875,750. - Resolution No. 2020-22
A resolution approving the First Amendment to Agreement PTD0044 between
Mason Transit Authority and WSDOT and authorizing the General Manager to
execute same. - Resolution No. 2020-21
A resolution adopting a revised Coffee and Light Refreshments Policy
(POL-403) which supersedes and replaces in full any previously adopted
Coffee and Light Refreshments Policy (POL-403), including rescinding
Resolution No. 2014-14. - Resolution No. 2020-20
A resolution adopting a revised Credit Card Use Policy (POL-401)
which supersedes and replaces in full any previously adopted Credit
Card Use Policy (POL-401), including rescinding Resolution No. 2015-11. - Resolution No. 2020-19
A resolution adopting a revised Distributing Procedures and Tasks
Outlines Policy (POL-102) which supersedes and replaces in full
any previously adopted Distributing Procedures and Tasks Outlines
Policy (POL-102). - Resolution No. 2020-18
A resolution adopting a revised Numbering and Indexing Policies,
Procedures and Task Outlines Policy (POL-101) which supersedes and
replaces in full any previously adopted Numbering and Indexing Policies,
Procedures and Task Outlines Policy (POL-101). - Resolution No. 2020-17
A resolution adopting a revised Determining Responsibility for Policies
Policy (POL-100) which supersedes and replaces in full any previously adopted
Responsibility for Policies Policy and rescinding Resolution No. 2014-03. - Resolution No. 2020-16
A resolution approving the WSDOT Local Agency Participating Agreement No. GCB3332
and authorizing the General Manager to sign the Agreement. - Resolution No. 2020-15
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus vehicles. - Resolution No. 2020-14
A resolution adopting a revised Drug and Alcohol policy. - Resolution No. 2020-13
A resolution approving the agreement with the International Association of
Machinists and Aerospace Workers District Lodge 160, for the period
June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2023 and authorizing the General Manager to
sign that agreement. - Resolution No. 2020-12
A resolution approving the interlocal agreement with the City of Shelton regarding
Pear Orchard Park and Ride operation and maintenance and authorizing the
General Manager to sign that agreement. - Resolution No. 2020-10
A resolution approving the CARES Act 5311 Operating Grant Agreement PTD0192
and authorizing the General Manager to sign the agreement. - Resolution No. 2020-09
A resolution adopting a Families First Coronavirus Response Act Policy (POL-313). - Resolution No. 2020-08
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to take action to ensure the health and safety of employees and the public. - Resolution No. 2020-06
A resolution of authorizing the disposal of surplus equipment. - Resolution No. 2020-05
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign an interlocal
agreement relating to the Summer Youth Pass program. - Resolution No. 2020-03
A resolution approving the Capital Grant Agreement PTD0005 and authorizing the
General Manager to sign the agreement. - Resolution No. 2020-02
A resolution approving the attached Non-Represented Placement Schedule. - Resolution No. 2020-01
A resolution approving a strategic plan.
- Resolution No. 2019-42
A resolution adopting a revised Procurement Policy (POL-407) and superseding and replacing
in full any previously adopted or approved employee recognition policy, including rescinding
Resolution No. 2018-24. - Resolution No. 2019-41
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus equipment. - Resolution No. 2019-39
A resolution adopting an updated Shared Leave Policy (POL-200). - Resolution No. 2019-38
A resolution adopting a Paid Family and Medical Leave Policy (POL-311). - Resolution No. 2019-37
A resolution adopting an updated MTA Ridership Incentive Policy (POL-201). - Resolution No. 2019-35
A resolution adopting a Public Records Request Policy (POL-205) which shall supersede and
replace in full the previously adopted public records request policy adopted by
Resolution No. 2014-07. - Resolution No. 2019-32
A resolution establishing the 2020 schedule of regular meetings for the
Mason Transit Authority Board. - Resolution No. 2019-31
A resolution approving the Capital Grant Agreement PTD0081 and authorizing the
General Manager to sign the Agreement. - Resolution No. 2019-30
A resolution adopting a budget for the Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area
for the calendar year beginning January 1, 2020. - Resolution No. 2019-29
A resolution approving the agreement between MTA and the IAM&AW Lodge 160 for the period
September 1, 2019 through August 31, 2022 and authorizing the GM to sign the agreement. - Resolution No. 2019-28
A resolution adopting an updated Small and Attractive Assets Policy (POL-405) which supersedes and replaces in full any previously adopted Small and Attractive Assets policy, and rescinding Resolution No. 2016-06. - Resolution No. 2019-27
A resolution adopting a revised Wellness Policy (POL-602) which supersedes and replaces in full any previously adopted Wellness Policy, and rescinding Resolution No. 2014-06. - Resolution No. 2019-26
A resolution adopting a Surplus Disposal Policy (POL-408) that supersedes and replaces in full any previously adopted Surplus Disposal Policy and rescinding Resolution No. 2000-04. - Resolution No. 2019-25
A resolution adopting a Lost and Found Policy (POL-507) which supersedes and replaces in full any previously adopted or approved Lost and Found policy. - Resolution No. 2019-24
A resolution awarding the winning bid to Active Construction Inc. of Tacoma, Washington, for the roundabout construction at Log Yard Rd and SR 3 and authorizing the General Manager to sign the contract - Resolution No. 2019-23
A resolution authorizing the GM to sign WSDOT Agreement#PTD0044 - Resolution No. 2019-22
A resolution amending Resolution No. 2017-36 - Resolution No. 2019-21
A resolution approving and authorizing the GM to sign the agreement with WSDOT for the STAR Pass Program (Agreement#PTD0012). - Resolution No. 2019-20
A resolution approving and authorizing the GM to sign Amendment No. 7 of the agreement between MTA and Shea, Carr & Jewell, Inc (dba SCJ Alliance). - Resolution No. 2019-19
A resolution adopting a revised employee social media policy. - Resolution No. 2019-18
A resolution adopting a revised social media communications policy. - Resolution No. 2019-17
A resolution adopting a stroller policy. - Resolution No. 2019-16
A resolution adopting a revised drug and alcohol policy. - Resolution No. 2019-15
A resolution adopting a revised accident prevention program policy. - Resolution No. 2019-14
A resolution adopting a revised accident reporting and investigation policy. - Resolution No. 2019-13
A resolution approving and authorizing the General Manager to sign the Scope of Services contract with Landau Associates regarding environmental services at the T-CC parking lot and pedestrian concourse. - Resolution No. 2019-12
A resolution authorizing the execution of the Peninsula Regional Transportation Policy Board. Interlocal Agreement. - Resolution No. 2019-10
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus vehicles. - Resolution No. 2019-08
A resolution amending Resolution No. 2019-07. - Resolution No. 2019-07
A resolution authorizing the GM to award the winning bid and sign a contract with CHG Building Systems of Renton, Washington, for the roof replacement of Buildings #3 and #4 at the Johns Prairie Facility in an amount not to exceed the budget amount of $250,000. - Resolution No. 2019-06
A resolution authorizing the GM to award the winning bid and sign a contract with Scarsella Bros. of Seattle, Washington, for the development and improvements to the Pear Orchard Park and Ride in an amount of $630,005. - Resolution No. 2019-05
A resolution adopting a revised information technology remote access policy (POL-704). - Resolution No. 2019-04
A resolution adopting a revised information technology acceptable use policy (POL-702). - Resolution No. 2019-03
A resolution adopting a revised information technology wireless policy (POL-701). - Resolution No. 2019-02
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus vehicles.
- Resolution No. 2019-01
A resolution approving amendments to the Bylaws of Mason County Public Transportation Benefit - area doing business as Mason Transit Authority.
- Resolution No. 2018-25
A resolution adopting a Fit for Duty policy. - Resolution No. 2018-23
A resolution adopting a Mason Transit Authority Sick Leave policy. - Resolution No. 2018-22
A resolution adopting a revised Washington Sick Leave policy. - Resolution No. 2018-21
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign WSDOT Agreement No. GCB3098 relating to WSDOT Consolidated Capital Consolidated Grant. - Resolution No. 2018-20
A resolution amending Resolutions Nos. 2017-24 and 2017-33; authorizing the General Manager to sign WSDOT Third Amendment to Agreement No. GCB2615 relating to WSDOT Operating and Vehicle Grant. - Resolution No. 2018-19
A resolution amending Resolutions Nos. 2017-09 and 2017-32, by authorizing the General Manager to sign WSDOT Second Amendment to Agreement No. GCB2614 relating to WSDOT Operating Grant Agreement GCB2614. - Resolution No. 2018-18
A resolution approving the disbanding of Mason County Transit Advisory Board. - Resolution No. 2018-17
A resolution adopting a budget for the Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area for the calendar year beginning January 1, 2019. - Resolution No. 2018-16
A resolution approving amendments to the bylaws of Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area doing business as Mason Transit Authority. - Resolution No. 2018-15
A resolution establishing the 2019 schedule of regular meetings for the Mason Transit Authority Board. - Resolution No. 2018-14
A resolution authorizing the disposal of a surplus vehicle. - Resolution No. 2018-13
A resolution amending Resolution No. 2017-09 by adopting and approving an amended compensation philosophy and plan. - Resolution No. 2018-12
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between Mason Transit Authority and Mason County Community Services-Public Health regarding Mason County’s Opioid Response Plan. - Resolution No. 2018-11
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign the Agreement with WSDOT to establish the Star Transit Pass Program (Agreement#GCB3007). - Resolution No. 2018-10
A resolution adopting a revised drug and alcohol policy - Resolution No. 2018-09
A resolution cancelling the scheduled August 21,2 018 regular Authority Board meeting. - Resolution No. 2018-08
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign the Interagency Agreement with the Department of Enterprise Services. - Resolution No. 2018-07
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign the interlocal agreement with the City of Shelton regarding the bus pullout. - Resolution No. 2018-06
A resolution authorizing the disposal of a surplus vehicle. - Resolution No. 2018-05
A resolution adopting a revised procurement policy. - Resolution No. 2018-04
A resolution adopting a revised drug and alcohol policy. - Resolution No. 2018-03
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign the interlocal agreement with Timberland Regional Library regarding selling MTA bus passes. - Resolution No. 2018-02
A resolution rescinding Resolution No. 2015-07; and adopting new Transit-Community Center event fees. - Resolution No. 2018-01
A resolution awarding the bid to Doublemap Inc and authorizing the General Manager to sign the contract.
- Resolution No. 2017-02
A resolution adopting POL-200 Shared Leave Policy. - Resolution No. 2017-03
A resolution approving GCB-2521, an agreement with WSDOT providing funding assistance for replacement of vehicles. - Resolution No. 2017-04
A resolution approving the First Amendment to Agreement GCB1954 between MTA and WSDOT and authorizing General Manager to execute same. - Resolution No. 2017-05
A resolution authorizing the closing of the settlement account at Bank of America and establishing a new settlement account at Columbia State Bank. - Resolution No. 2017-06
A resolution designating Tracy Becht, Executive Assistant, as the alternate signatory officer and removing the HR Manager from signing authority on any MTA bank accounts. - Resolution No. 2017-07
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign an interlocal agreement relating to the Summer Youth Pass Program. - Resolution No. 2017-08
A resolution amending Resolution No. 2013-03; and approving and adopting a new Vision Statement and resulting change in the Guiding Principles. - Resolution No. 2017-09
A resolution adopting and approving a compensation philosophy and plan. - Resolution No. 2017-10
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign an agreement with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers District Lodge 160, for the period June 1, 2017 through May 31, 2020. - Resolution No. 2017-11
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus vehicles. - Resolution No. 2017-12
A resolution authorizing purchase of real property and General Manager to sign documents. - Resolution No. 2017-13
A resolution approving a park and ride facilities usage process and procedure for private transportation providers. - Resolution No. 2017-14
A resolution approving and authorizing General Manager to execute the First Amendment to Agreement GCB2281 relating to WSDOT Regional Mobility Grant Agreement GCB2281. - Resolution No. 2017-15
A resolution adopting a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) policy. - Resolution No. 2017-17
A resolution adopting a harassment prevention policy. - Resolution No. 2017-18
A resolution adopting an unfair competition policy. - Resolution No. 2017-20
A resolution of the Mason Transit Authority Board authorizing the General Manager to sign an agreement with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers District Lodge 160, for the period September 1, 2017 to August 31, 2017. - Resolution No. 2017-21
A resolution amending Resolution No. 2017-11 to correct vehicle identification numbers. - Resolution No. 2017-22
A resolution rescinding Resolution No. 2017-19 in its entirety; authorizing the General Manager to execute a new First Amendment to Contract for Goods and/or Services with the Squaxin Island Tribe to provide routine service and maintenance on the Squaxin Island Tribe’s transit buses. - Resolution No. 2017-24
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign WSDOT Agreement No. GCB2615. - Resolution No. 2017-26
A resolution adopting an Americans with Disabilities Policy. - Resolution No. 2017-29
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign WSDOT Agreement No. GCB2614. - Resolution No. 2017-30
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign the Memorandum of Agreement for the Regional Reduced Fare Permit for Senior and Disabled Persons. - Resolution No. 2017-31
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign the Interlocal Agreement with Mason County relating to certain services to be provided by each party to the other. - Resolution No. 2017-32
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign WSDOT First Amendment to Agreement GCB2614. - Resolution No. 2017-33
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign WSDOT Second Amendment to Agreement GCB2615. - Resolution No. 2017-34
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign a contract with Nelson/Nygaard of Seattle, Washington, to provide service review consultation services in an amount not to exceed $150,000. - Resolution No. 2017-35
A resolution establishing the 2018 schedule of regular meetings for the Mason Transit Authority Board. - Resolution No. 2017-36
A resolution declaring that computing all actual costs to respond to public records requests would be unduly burdensome and charging statutory default fees. - Resolution No. 2017-37
A resolution adopting a budget for the Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area for the calendar year beginning January 1, 2018. - Resolution No. 2017-38
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus equipment. - Resolution No. 2017-39
A resolution approving amendments to the ByLaws of Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area doing business as Mason Transit Authority. - Resolution No. 2017-41
A resolution adopting a revised employee recognition policy. - Resolution No. 2017-43
A resolution adopting a paid sick leave policy. - Resolution No. 2017-44
A resolution rescinding Resolution No. 2017-01 approving attendance policy (POL-306).
- Resolution No. 2016-01
A resolution amending Resolution No. 2014-07 and amending the public records requests policy for naming a new public records officer. - Resolution No. 2016-02
A resolution rescinding Resolution No. 2015-28; authorizing the General Manager to sign the amended WSDOT Agreement #GCB2304 (Regional Mobility Program-Park and Ride). - Resolution No. 2016-03
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign and execute the Memorandum of Understanding with the Skokomish Indian Tribe providing funding for calendar year 2016. - Resolution No. 2016-04
A resolution adopting a revised transit advertising policy to include public service announcements. - Resolution No. 2016-05
A resolution adopting a policy providing guidelines to employees for use of social media and professional representation of MTA. - Resolution No. 2016-06 (Rescinded by Resolution No. 2019-28)
A resolution adopting a policy for small and attractive assets. - Resolution No. 2016-07
A resolution rescinding Resolution No. 2013-01; Reaffirming Robert W. Johnson as attorney for Mason Transit Authority and modification of prior fee agreements. - Resolution No. 2016-08
A resolution by the Mason Transit Authority Board, appointing a new public records officer and acting public records officer . - Resolution No. 2016-09
A resolution of the Mason Transit Authority Board authorizing the acting General Manager to sign and execute the contract between Hood Canal Communications and Mason Transit Authority for the purpose of providing IT and related services. - Resolution No. 2016-10
A resolution authorizing the Mason Transit Authority Board chair to sign and execute the inter-local agreement (ILA) with the city of Shelton providing grant administration for the project identified in DOE grant agreement #WQC-2016-SHELPW-00325. - Resolution No. 2016-11
A resolution by the Mason Transit Authority Board authorizing the disposal of surplus vehicles. - Resolution No. 2016-12
A resolution authorizing the Mason Transit Authority acting General Manager to sign and execute the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Mason County department of Emergency Management and Mason Transit Authority formalizing a collaborate relationship for emergency and disaster response. - Resolution No. 2016-13
A resolution of the Mason Transit Authority Board authorizing the removal of former General Manager Marc Bradley Patterson as a signer for all Mason Transit Authority accounts. - Resolution No. 2016-14
A resolution to approve a contract for services with SCJ Alliance for the park and ride development project. - Resolution No. 2016-15
A resolution by Mason Transit Authority adopting a policy for exclusion from service policy. - Resolution No. 2016-16
A resolution authorizing the execution of a lease agreement with Northridge Properties, LLC, for use as a temporary parking area. - Resolution No. 2016-17
A resolution amending Resolution No. 2016-03 and authorizing execution of an Amended Memorandum of Understanding with the Skokomish Indian Tribe. - Resolution No. 2016-18
A resolution awarding General Mechanical as winning bid for roof replacement and authorizing General Manager to sign contract. - Resolution No. 2016-19
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign the WSDOT Federal/State Capital Construction Grant Agreement#GCB2461. - Resolution No. 2016-20
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign the First Amendment to WSDOT Federal/State Operating Grant Agreement#GCB2088. - Resolution No. 2016-21
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus equipment. - Resolution No. 2016-22
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign an agreement with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers District Lodge 160, for the period September 1, 2016 through August 31, 2019. - Resolution No. 2016-24
A resolution approving and authorizing the General Manager to sign the Interlocal Agreement with Shelton School District relating to cleaning diesel particulate filters and catalysts. - Resolution No. 2016-25
A resolution approving amending the Bylaws of Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area doing business as Mason Transit Authority. - Resolution No. 2016-26
A resolution approving and authorizing the General Manager to sign the Interlocal Agreement with Mason County relating to maintaining William O. Hunter park and bus shelter. - Resolution No. 2016-27
A resolution adopting a budget for the Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area for the calendar year beginning January 1, 2017. - Resolution No. 2016-28
A resolution adopting Policy 1004, citizens advisory board principles. - Resolution No. 2016-29
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus vehicles. - Resolution No. 2016-30
A resolution appointing a new Deputy Clerk. - Resolution No. 2016-31
A resolution approving and authorizing the General Manager to sign the interlocal agreement with Mason County Public Utility District No. 3 relating to vehicle charging stations in downtown Shelton. - Resolution No. 2016-33
A resolution establishing the 2017 schedule of regular meetings for the Mason Transit Authority Board. - Resolution No. 2016-34
A resolution authorizing the final acceptance and closeout of the roof replacement project. - Resolution No. 2016-35
A resolution authorizing the disposal of a refrigerator/freezer.
- Resolution No. 2015-01
A resolution Adopting Facility Use Fees and Lease Rates - Resolution No. 2015-02
A resolution approving an Interlocal Agreement with Grays Harbor Transit for the Purpose of Vehicle Filter Cleaning - Resolution No. 2015-04
A resolution approving the Employee Recognition Policy - Resolution No. 2015-04A1
A resolution amending Res. 2015-04 and approving an updated Employee Recognition Policy - Resolution No. 2015-05
A resolution Amending Res. 2013-21 Purchase of two vehicles - Resolution No. 2015-08
A resolution approving the Tiger Grant Regional Express Commuter Service Application - Resolution No. 2015-09
A resolution approving the Tiger Grant Park and Ride Application - Resolution No. 2015-10
A resolution Authorizing the Disposal of Surplus Vehicles - Resolution No. 2015-12
A resolution approving Designating Alternate Signatory Officers - Resolution No. 2015-13
A resolution Adopting A Social Media Polity - Resolution No. 2015-15
A resolution approving an Interlocal Agreement Shelton School District Use of the Purpose of Facility Use - Resolution No. 2015-16
A resolution approving an Interlocal Agreement with the Olympic College for the Purpose of Facility Use - Resolution No. 2015-17
A resolution approving an Interlocal Agreement with Olympic College for Use of Computer Lab - Resolution No. 2015-18
A resolution approving an Interlocal Agreement with Olympic College for the Purpose of Commercial Teaching Kitchen Use - Resolution No. 2015-19
A resolution approving the Appointment of Clerk of the Authority Board - Resolution No. 2015-20
A resolution approving an Interlocal Agreement with City of Shelton for Purpose of LED Ped Crossing Systems - Resolution No. 2015-21
A resolution approving an Interlocal Agreement with Shelton School District for ASA Program - Resolution No. 2015-22
A resolution approving WSDOT Grant Agreement GCB2088 - Resolution No. 2015-23
A resolution approving a Whistleblower Policy - Resolution No. 2015-24
A resolution approving the Final Acceptance and Closeout of the Transit-Community Center Construction Project - Resolution No. 2015-25
A resolution adopting a budget for MTA for 2016 - Resolution No. 2015-26
A resolution adopting a Clerk and Deputy Clerk of the Authority Board - Resolution No. 2015-29
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign WSDOT Agreement #GCB2281 - Resolution No. 2015-30
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign WSDOT Agreement #GCB2282
- Resolution No. 2014-01
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus equipment - Resolution 2012-11 Second Amendment
A resolution authorizing reaffirming Robert W. Johnson as attorney for MTA - Resolution No. 2014-02
A resolution approving a Transit Advertising Policy - Resolution No. 2014-04
A resolution approving an Accident Reporting and Investigation Policy - Resolution No. 2014-05
A resolution approving a Workers’ Compensation and Transitional Work Assignment Policy - Resolution No. 2014-10
A resolution approving the cancellation of the regularly scheduled August 19, 2014 Authority Board meeting. - Resolution No. 2014-11
A resolution approving the Summer Youth Adventure Pass Program Interlocal Agreement - Resolution No. 2014-12
A resolution to approve changing vanpool rates - Resolution No. 2014-13
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign Washington State Dept. of Commerce Grant - Resolution No. 2014-16
A resolution approving the Drug and Alcohol Policy - Resolution No. 2014-17
A resolution approving the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy - Resolution No. 2014-18
A resolution approving amendments to the Travel and Training Reimbursement Policy - Resolution No. 2014-21
A resolution appointing Brad Patterson General Manager of Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area and fixing his salary and terms of employment - Resolution No. 2014-22
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus information technology equipment - Resolution No. 2014-23
A resolution authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Shelton for Transit-Community Center frontage improvements - Resolution No. 2014-24
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to contract with the City of Shelton for Transit-Community Center frontage improvements - Resolution No. 2014-25
A resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus shop equipment - Resolution No. 2014-26
A resolution approving the amendments to interlocal agreement with the Washington State Transit Insurance Pool - Resolution No. 2014-27
A resolution approving an interlocal agreement for mutal aid between fellow Washington public transit agencies - Resolution No. 2014-28
A resolution authorizing the Board Chair to sign the second amendment to Washington State Department of Transportation agreement GCB1624 - Resolution No. 2014-29
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the Shelton School District #309 for transportation services. - Resolution No. 2014-30
A resolution for a Memorandum of Understanding (Interlocal Agreement) with Grays Harbor Transit for the purpose of van sharing. - Resolution No. 2014-31
A resolution adopting the budget for the Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area for the calendar year beginning 2015. - Resolution No. 2014-32
A resolution establishing the 2015 schedule of regular board meetings for the Mason Transit Authority. - Resolution No. 2014-33
A resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign the second amendment to WSDOT Agreement #GCB1292 and recind Resolution No. 2014-19. - Resolution No. 2014-34
A resolution designating an alternative audit officer. - Resolution No. 2014-35
A resolution approving an Accident Prevention Program Policy. - Resolution No. 2014-36
A resolution approving the Technology Information Wireless Policy. - Resolution No. 2014-37
A resolution approving the Technology Information Acceptable Use Policy. - Resolution No. 2014-39
A resolution approving the Information Technology Remote Access Policy.
- Resolution No. 2013-02
- Resolution No. 2013-14
- Resolution No. 2013-15
- Resolution No. 2013-16
- Resolution No. 2013-17
- Resolution No. 2013-18
- Resolution No. 2013-19
- Resolution No. 2013-20
- Resolution No. 2013-21
- Resolution No. 2013-22
- Resolution No. 2013-23
- Resolution No. 2013-24
- Resolution No. 2013-25
- Resolution No. 2013-27
- Resolution No. 2013-28
- Resolution No. 2012-01
- Resolution No. 2012-02
- Resolution No. 2012-03
- Resolution No. 2012-04
- Resolution No. 2012-05
- Resolution No. 2012-06
- Resolution No. 2012-07
- Resolution No. 2012-08
- Resolution No. 2012-09
- Resolution No. 2012-10
- Resolution No. 2012-11
- Resolution No. 2012-12
- Resolution No. 2012-13
- Resolution No. 2012-14
- Resolution No. 2012-15
- Resolution No. 2012-16
- Resolution No. 2012-17
- Resolution No.2011-01
A resolution Authorizing the Chair to Sign WSDOT Agreement GCA6664 (6 new Vanpools) - Resolution No.2011-02
A resolution Authorizing the Disposal of Surplus Vehicles (Coaches) - Resolution No.2011-03
A resolution Authorizing the Board Chair to Sign Third Amendment to WSDOT Agreement GCA6186 (Operating Funds) - Resolution No.2011-04
A resolution Authorizing the GM to Sign Interlocal Agreement for the Summer Youth Adventure Pass Program (2011 through 2013) - Resolution No.2011-06
A resolution Amending MCTA Bylaws (adding Non-Voting Member Union Rep) - Resolution No.2011-07
A resolution Extending the Provisions of RCW 41.48.030 Providing Social Security Coverage - Resolution No.2011-08
A resolution Authorizing the Disposal of Surplus Vehicles (5 1997 Dodge Vans) - Proclamation – Life Saving Efforts (July 2011)
- Resolution No.2011-09
A resolution Amending the 2011 Budget - Resolution No.2011-10
A resolution Authorizing the Board Chair to sign WSDOT Agreement GCA6836
(Capital – 9 replacement minibuses) - Resolution No.2011-11
A resolution Authorizing the Board Chair to sign WSDOT Agreement GCA6837
(Operating – Sustain services) - Resolution No.2011-12
A resolution Appointing Brad Patterson General Manager - Resolution No.2011-13
A resolution Adopting a Budget for the Calendar Year Beginning January 1, 2012 - Resolution No.2011-14
A resolution Establishing the 2012 Schedule of Regular Meetings - Resolution No.2011-15
A resolution Authorizing the Board Chair to Apply For and Accept Federal Grants - Resolution No.2011-16
A resolution Authorizing Staff Members to Sign on MTA Financial Accounts
- Resolution No. 2010-01
A resolution Authorizing the Chair to Sign the WSDOT 2nd Amendment to Agreement GCA5708 - Resolution No. 2010-02
A Resolution Authorizing the Maintenance Manager as the Audit Officer - Resolution No. 2010-04
A Resolution Authorizing the Chair to Sign the WSDOT Agreement GCA6187 (3 low-floors buses) - Resolution No. 2010-05
A resolution Authorizing the Disposal of Surplus Vehicles - Resolution No. 2010-06
A Resolution Authorizing the Finance Manager as the Audit Officer - Resolution No. 2010-07
A Resolution Authorizing the Chair to Sign the WSDOT Agreement GCA6471 (1 Vanpool) - Resolution No. 2010-08
A Resolution Authorizing the Chair to Sign the First Amendment to WSDOT Agreement GCA6186 - Resolution No. 2010-09
A Resolution Amending the Bylaws (Section V- Meetings, 5.12 Compensation) - Resolution No. 2010-10
A Resolution Authorizing the Chair to Sign the Second Amendment to WSDOT Agreement GCA6186 - Resolution No. 2001-06 – First Amendment
A Resolution Appointing Agent to Receive Claims Under RCW Chapter 4.96 - Resolution 2010-03 – Second Amendment
A Resolution Adopting a Revised Drug & Alcohol Policy - Resolution No. 2010-11
A Resolution Adopting a Surplus Vehicle Grant Program - Resolution No. 2010-12
A Resolution Adopting a Budget for the Calendar Year Beginning January 1, 2011 - Resolution No. 2010-13
A Resolution Establishing the 2011 Schedule of Regular Meetings - Resolution No. 2010-14
A Resolution Authorizing the Board Chair to Apply for and Accept Federal Grants 2011 Certifications and Assurances
- Resolution No. 2009-01
A Resolution Authorizing the Chair to Apply For and Accept Federal Grants
(2009 Certifications and Assurances) - Resolution No. 2009-02
A Resolution Authorizing the MTA Board Chair to sign the WSDOT 3rd Amendment to Agreement GCA5315 - Resolution No. 2009-03
A Resolution Authorizing the MTA Board Chair to sign the WSDOT 1st Amendment to Agreement GCA5708 - Resolution No. 2009-04
A Resolution Authorizing the MTA Board Chair to sign the WSDOT 4th Amendment to Agreement GCA4465 - Resolution No. 2009-05
A Resolution Authorizing the General Manager to Negotiate a Contract for Engineering Services with Washington Engineering (Fueling Project) - Resolution No. 2009-06
A Resolution Authorizing the Signing of the First Amendment to Architect Services Agreement with Foster and Williams Architects (Transit Community Center Project) - Resolution No. 2009-07
A Resolution Authorizing the Selection for Engineering Services for the North Mason Park & Ride Project - Resolution No. 2009-08
A Resolution Authorizing the Fueling Facility Construction Contract Award - Resolution No. 2009-09
A Resolution Authorizing the MTA Board Chair to sign WSDOT Agreement GCA6186 - Resolution No. 2009-10
A Resolution Adopting a Budget for the Calendar Year Beginning January 1, 2010 - Resolution No. 2009-11
A Resolution Establishing the 2010 Schedule of Regular Meetings for the Authority - Resolution No. 2009-12
A Resolution Authorizing the MTA Board Chair to Apply for and Accept Federal Grants
- Resolution No. 2008-01
A Resolution Authorizing the Contract Award for Mason Transit’s Fueling Station Hardware - Resolution No. 2008-02
A Resolution Authorizing the Selection for Engineering Services (Watermain Project) - Resolution No. 2008-03
A Resolution Authorizing the MTA Board Chair to sign the WSDOT 3rd Amendment to Agreement GCA4465 - Resolution No. 2008-04
A Resolution Authorizing the General Manager to Contract with the City of Shelton for Street Improvements (Franklin Street, Shelton, WA) - Resolution No. 2008-05
A Resolution Authorizing the MTA Board Chair to Apply For and Accept Federal Grants and From Year-to-Year Sign Certifications and Assurances - Resolution No. 2008-06
A Resolution Authorizing the MTA Board Chair to sign the WSDOT Agreement GCA5663 (Vanpool) - Resolution No. 2008-07
A Resolution Amending MCTA Bylaws - Resolution No. 2008-08
A Resolution Increasing the Per Diem Compensation for Board Members - Resolution No. 2008-09
A Resolution Authorizing the General Manager to sign the Interlocal Agreement between Clallam, Jefferson and Grays Harbor Transits – Summer Youth Adventure Pass Program for 3 Years - Resolution No. 2008-10
A Resolution Authorizing the Board Chair to sign the WSDOT Agreement GCA5708 - Resolution No. 2008-11
A Resolution Adopting a Code of Ethics - Resolution No. 2008-12
A Resolution Authorizing the Board Chair to sign the First Amendment to WSDOT Agreement #GCA5315 - Resolution No. 2008-13
A Resolution Approving the Selection of a Firm to Deliver a Remodel Design for a Multimodal Transit Hub and Community Service Center - Resolution No. 2008-14
A Resolution Approving Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement with CTS for the Provision of Radio System Consulting Services (OPSCAN Project) - Resolution No. 2008-15
A Resolution Revising Special Events Service Policy - Resolution No. 2008-16
A Resolution Authorizing the GM to sign State of WA Department of Ecology Agreement #G0800599 (retrofit coaches – emission control technologies) - Resolution No. 2008-17
A Resolution Authorizing the signing of the Architect Services Agreement with Foster and Williams Architects (Transit Community Center Project) - Resolution No. 2008-18
A Resolution Authorizing the Board Chair to sign 2nd Amendment to Agreement GCA5315 with the Washington State Department of Transportation - Resolution No. 2008-19
A Resolution Authorizing the Board Chair to sign 1st Amendment to the State of WA Department of Ecology Agreement #G0800599 (retrofit coaches – emission control technologies) - Resolution No. 2008-20
A Resolution Authorizing the GM to proceed with the Request for Bid process for Installation of the Transit Facility Fueling Station - Resolution No. 2008-21
A Resolution Authorizing the Board Chair to sign WSDOT Agreement GCA5916 - Resolution No. 2008-22
A Resolution Authorizing the Board Chair to sign WSDOT Agreement GCA5906 - Resolution No. 2008-23
A Resolution Authorizing the Board Chair to sign WA STATE CTED Contract 08-96114-174 (Community Transit Center site design funding) - Resolution No. 2008-24
A Resolution Adopting a Budget for the Calendar Year 2009 - Resolution No. 2008-25
A Resolution Establishing the 2009 Schedule of Regular Meetings - Resolution No. 2008-26
A Resolution Increasing Regional Fares and Vanpool Program Rates – Effective January 1, 2009
- Resolution No. 2007-01
A Resolution Authorizing the Acting Chair to sign the Second Amendment to GCA4465 - Resolution No. 2007-02
A Resolution Authorizing the MTA Board to provide reasonable Financial and Staff support to MCTAB for 2007 Statewide Transit Advisory Board Conference - Resolution No. 2007-03
A Resolution Authorizing the MTA Board Chair to sign the WSDOT Agreement GCA5315 - Resolution No. 2007-04
A Resolution Authorizing the General Manager to Proceed with the Request for Proposal Process for Transit Facility Fueling Station Hardware - Resolution No. 2007-05
A Resolution Authorizing the General Manager to Proceed with the Request for Statement of Qualifications for Engineering Services for the Watermain Extension Project - Resolution No. 2007-06
A Resolution Updating and Amending Mason County Transportation Authority’s Bylaws - Resolution No. 2007-07
A Resolution Authorizing the Filing of Applications with The Federal Transit Administration - Resolution No. 2007-08
A Resolution Adopting a Budget for the MCTA for the Calendar Year Beginning January 1, 2008 - Resolution No. 2007-09
A Resolution Establishing the 2008 Schedule of Regular Meetings for the MCTA - Resolution No. 2007-10
A Resolution Establishing a Comment (Complaint/Commendation) Policy
- Resolution No.2006-01-A
A Resolution Authorizing the Board Chair to Sign the 1st Amendment to WSDOT Agreement GCA4709 - Resolution No.2006-01-B
A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Surplus Vehicles - Resolution No.2006-02
A Resolution Designating the General Manager as an Authorized Signer (on any and all documents related to the purchase of the Armory) - Resolution No.2006-03
A Resolution Authorizing the Board Chair to Sign WSDOT Agreement GCA4888 (RTPO) - Resolution No.2006-04
A Resolution Authorizing the Filing of Applications with the Federal Transit Administration (TEAM) - Resolution 2001-01 Second Amendment
A Resolution Adopting a Volunteer Driver Program Policy and Statement of Understanding - Resolution No.2006-05
A Resolution Authorizing the Board Chair to Sign WSDOT Agreement GCA5011 (VIP) - Resolution No.2006-06
A Resolution Authorizing the Finance Manager as the Audit Officer - Resolution No.2006-07
A Resolution Authorizing the Board Chair to Sign the 1st Amendment to WSDOT Agreement GCA4464 - Resolution No.2006-08
A Resolution Authorizing the Board Chair to Sign the 1st Amendment to WSDOT Agreement GCA4465 - Resolution No.2006-09
A Resolution Adopting a budget for the MCTA for the Calendar Year Beginning January 1, 2007 - Resolution No.2006-10
A Resolution Establishing the 2007 Schedule of Regular Meetings for the MCTA
- Resolution No.2005-01
A Resolution Authorizing the Board Chair to Apply For and Accept Federal Grants and Sign from Year-to-Year Required Certifications and Assurances. - Resolution No.2005-02
A Resolution Authorizing Wallace/Kneeland Boulevard Bus Pullout Project Contract Award. - Resolution No.2005-03
A Resolution Authorizing Board Chair to sign the Second Amendment to Mutual Agreement GCA3698. - Resolution No.2005-04
A Resolution by the Mason County Transportation Benefit Area Authority Implementing A Summer Youth Adventure Pass Program. - Resolution No.2005-05
A Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Interlocal Agreement between Clallam Transit System, Grays Harbor Transportation Authority and Jefferson Transit Authority (Summer Youth Adventure Pass Program) - Resolution No.2005-06
A Resolution Authorizing the Board Chair to sign WSDOT Agreement #GCA4403 (Vanpool Expansion Program Capital Funds) - Resolution 2001-01 (First Amendment)
Revising the Volunteer Driver Program Policy and Statement of Understanding - Resolution No.2005-07
A Resolution authorizing the MTA Board Chair to sign WSDOT Agreement GCA4464 - Resolution 1996-02 AMENDED July 12, 2005
A Resolution amending MTA Drug & Alcohol Policy and Procedures - Resolution No.2005-08
A Resolution authorizing the MTA Board Chair to sign WSDOT Agreement GCA4465 - Resolution No.2005-14 Resolution No.2005-09
A Resolution authorizing the MCTA to participate in the State of WA Dept. of Retirement Systems Deferred Compensation Program - Resolution No.2005-10
A Resolution authorizing the MTA Board Chair to sign WSDOT Agreement GCA4709 - Resolution No.2005-11
A Resolution adopting a budget for the Mason County Transportation Authority for the Calendar Year Beginning January 1, 2006 - Resolution No.2005-12
A Resolution by the Mason County Transportation Authority Amending the 2005 Budget - Resolution No.2005-13
A Resolution establishing the 2006 Schedule of Regular Meetings for the Mason County Transportation Authority - Resolution No.2005-14
A Resolution adopting an amended Deferred Compensation Plan through its service provider, the Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company (VALIC)
- Resolution No.2004-18
A Resolution Authorizing Paving Project Contract Award - Resolution No.2004-17
A Resolution Establishing the 2005 Schedule of Regular Meetings or MCTA - Resolution No.2004-16
A Resolution Amending the 2004 Budget - Resolution No.2004-15
A Resolution Adopting a Budget for the Calendar Year Beginning January 1, 2005 - Resolution No.2004-14
A Resolution authorizing the GM to proceed with Request for Bid Process for Transit Facility Paving Project - Resolution No.2004-13
A Resolution authorizing the Chair to sign Second Amendment to WSDOT Grant GCA3722 - Resolution No.2004-12
A Resolution authorizing the Chair to sign First Amendment to WSDOT Grant GCA3698 - Resolution No.2004-11
A Resolution establishing a Settlement Account with Bank of America - Resolution No.2004-10
A Resolution approving the revised Interlocal Agreement with WSTIP. - Resolution No.2004-09
A Resolution authorizing Facility Construction Contract Award (Bldg. 4). - Resolution No.2004-08
A Resolution establishing a Security Cash Account with Bank of America. - Resolution No.2004-07
A Resolution designating the General Manager as an authorized signer (CTAA Loan – property purchase). - Resolution No.2004-06
A Resolution authorizing the General Manager to proceed with the Request for Bid process for facility modifications and site improvement projects. - Resolution No.2004-05
A Resolution designating the General Manager as an authorized signer. - Resolution No.2004-03
A Resolution amending Mason County Transportation Authority’s Procurement Policies and Procedures. - Resolution No.2004-02
A Resolution authorizing the MCTA Board Chair to apply for and accept Federal Grants
Note – This resolution, unlike Resolution 2003-05 does not specify the “Chairs” name. - Resolution No.2004-01
A Resolution authorizing MCTA Board Chair to sign the 1st Amendment to Mutual Agreement GCA 3722 with WSDOT
- Resolution No. 2003-08
A Resolution Establishing the 2004 Schedule of Regular Meetings for the Mason County Transportation Authority. - Resolution No. 2003-07
A Resolution Amending the 2003 Budget for the Mason County Transportation Authority. - Resolution No. 2003-06
A Resolution Adopting a Budget for the Mason County Transportation Authority, for the Calendar Year Beginning January 1, 2004. - Resolution No. 2000-04 Amended 11-18- 2003
A Resolution by the Mason County Transportation Authority Establishing a Surplus Disposal Policy. - Resolution No. 2003-05
A Resolution authorizing Mason County Transportation Authority Board Chair to apply for and accept Federal Grants. - Resolution No. 2003-04
A Resolution requesting approval by the Health Care Authority to participate in the Washington State Insurance Plans. - Resolution No. 2003-03
A Resolution Authorizing the signing of WSDOT Agreement GCA3722 for Operating Assistance. - Resolution No. 2003-02
A Resolution Authorizing the signing of WSDOT Agreement GCA3698 for Capital Assistance. - Resolution No. 2003-01
A Resolution by the Mason County Transportation Authority Regarding Investment of Funds
- Resolution No. 2002-06
A Resolution Establishing the 2003 Schedule of Regular Meetings for the Mason County Transportation Authority as corrected - Resolution No. 2002-05
A Resolution, Adopting a Budget for the Mason County Transportation Authority, For the Calendar Year Beginning January 1, 2003. - Resolution No. 2002-04
A Resolution by the Mason County Transportation Authority Authorizing Budget Line Transfers From the Capital Reserve Account for Expenses Not Previously Anticipated - Resolution No. 2002-03
A Resolution Authorizing the General Manager of Mason County Transportation Authority to Award a Contract for the Provision of Operational Services with People for People - Resolution No. 2002-02
A Resolution by the Mason County Transportation Authority Adopting a Salary Step Plan for the Administrative Services Manager Position - AMENDED Resolution No. 2000-04 (April 16, Meeting)
A Resolution Establishing a Surplus Disposal Policy as changed by adding Section 2(d) and changing Section 7 to read, “Employees of MCTA and MCTA Board members shall be ineligible to purchase surplus property
- Resolution No. 2001-14
A Resolution by the Mason County Transportation Authority Adopting a Salary Step Plan - Resolution No. 2001-13
A Resolution by the Mason County Transportation Authority Regarding Insurance Benefits Packages for Employees - Resolution No. 2001-12
A Resolution by the Mason County Transportation Authority to Reimburse Mileage at the Maximum IRS Allowable - Resolution No. 2001-11
A Resolution, adopting a Budget for the Mason County Transportation Authority, for the Calendar Year Beginning January 1, 2002. - Resolution No. 2001-10
A Resolution Establishing the 2002 Schedule of Regular Meetings for the Mason County Transportation Authority - Resolution No. 2001-09
A Resolution by the Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area Authority ESTA - Resolution No. 2001-08
A Resolution by the Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area Authority to Impose System-Wide Fares, and Develop and Implement a Reduced Fare Program - Resolution No. 2001-07
A Resolution by the Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area Authority Fixing and Imposing a Sales and Use Tax - Resolution No. 2001-06
A Resolution by the Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area Authority Appointing Agent to Receive Claims Under Chapter 4.96 RCW - Resolution No. 2001-05
A Resolution by the Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area Authority to Impose Regional Fares - Resolution No. 2001-04
A Resolution by the Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area Authority, Authorizing Submittal of a Proposition to the Voters to Impose Additional Sales and Use Tax for Public Transportation - Resolution No. 2001-03
A Resolution by the Mason County Transportation Authority Concerning Employee Insurance - Resolution No. 2001-02
A Resolution by the Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area Authority Authorizing Submittal of a Proposition to the Voters to Impose Additional Sales and Use Taxes for Public Transportation. - Resolution No. 2001-01
A Resolution by the Mason County Transportation Authority Adopting a Volunteer Driver Program Policy and Statement of Understanding.
- Resolution No. 2000-09
A Resolution Adopting a Budget for the Mason County Transportation Authority for the Calendar Year Beginning January 1, 2001. - Resolution No. 2000-08
A Resolution Establishing the 2001 Schedule of Regular Meetings for the Mason County Transportation Authority. - Resolution No. 2000-07
A Resolution by the Mason County Transportation Authority Adopting a Revised 2000 Budget. - Resolution No. 2000-06
A Resolution by the Mason County Transportation Authority Establishing Salaries. - Resolution No. 2000-05
A resolution was not adopted. - Resolution No. 2000-03
A Resolution By The Mason County Transportation Authority Regarding Representation And Indemnification Of Employees - Resolution No. 2000-02
A Resolution By The Mason County Transportation Authority Amending Resolution 99-08 - Resolution No. 2000-01
A Resolution By The Mason County Transportation Authority Revising Special Events Service Policy Resolution No. 1993-03
- Resolution No. 1999-08
A Resolution Establishing The 2000 Schedule Of Regular Meetings For The Mason County Transportation Authority - Resolution No. 1999-07
A Resolution Adopting A Budget For The Mason County Transportation Authority For The Calendar Year Beginning January 1, 2000 - Resolution No. 1999-06
A Resolution Authorizing Mason County Transportation Authority Board Chair, John Tarrant’s Signature To Approve First Amendment To Mutual Agreement GCA 1705 - Resolution No. 1999-05
A Resolution, By The Mason County Transportation Authority, To Transfer Funds From The Capital Reserve Account - Resolution No. 1999-04
A Resolution, By The Mason Transportation Authority, Amending The 1999 Budget As Previously Adopted - Resolution No. 1999-03
A Resolution Authorizing The General Manager To Provide A Waiver To The Washington State Transit Insurance Pool (WSTIP) To Obtain Confidential Information Regarding Claims And Lawsuits For Which Wstip Is Providing A Defense On Behalf Of Mason County Transit Authority - Resolution No. 1999-02
A Resolution Authorizing Mason County Commissioner, Cynthia D. Olsen’s Signature To Approve Agreement # GCA1868 - Resolution No. 1999-01
A Resolution Establishing The 1999 Schedule Of Regular Meetings For The Mason County Transportation Authority
- Resolution No. 1998-04
A Resolution Adopting A Budget For The Mason County Transportation Authority For The Calendar Year Beginning January 1, 1999 - Resolution No. 1998-03
A Resolution By The Mason County Transportation Authority Establishing Salaries - Resolution No. 1998-02
A Resolution By The Mason County Transportation Authority Establishing An Advance Travel Fund - A Resolution Establishing The 1998 Schedule Of Regular Public Meetings For The Mason County Transportation Authority
- Resolution No. 1997-07
A Resolution Adopting A Budget For The Mason County Transportation Authority, For The Calendar Year Beginning January 1, 1998 - Resolution No. 1997-06
A Resolution By The Mason County Transportation Authority Amending Resolution 1992-01 - Resolution No. 1997-04
A Resolution By The Mason County Transportation Authority Adopting A Salary Step Plan - Resolution No. 1997-02
A Resolution Establishing The 1997 Schedule Of Regular Public Meetings For The Mason County Transportation Authority - Resolution No. 1997-01
A Resolution By The Mason County Transportation Authority Establishing Salaries
- Resolution No. 1996-10
A Resolution Adopting A Budget For The Mason County Transportation Authority For The Calendar Year Beginning January 1, 1997 - Resolution No. 1996-09
A Resolution That Mason County Transportation Authority Enter Into A Settlement Agreement With Olympic Trails Bus Company - Resolution No. 1996-08
A Resolution By The Mason County Transportation Authority Establishing Authority To Purchase An Emergency Replacement Transit Vehicle - Resolution No. 1996-07
A Resolution By The Mason County Transportation Authority Designating Their Director And Alternate Director To The Washington State Transit Insurance Pool Board - Resolution No. 1996-06
A Resolution By The Mason County Transportation Authority Amending The 1996 Budget As Previously Adopted - Resolution No. 1996-04
A Resolution By The Mason County Transportation Authority Adopting Personnel Policies - Resolution No. 1996-03
A Resolution By The Mason County Transportation Authority Authorizing The PTBA Chairman To Sign An Agreement And/Or Contract For Service - Resolution No. 1996-02
The Mason County Transportation Authority A Resolution By Adopting A Drug & Alcohol Policy - Resolution No. 1996-01
The Mason County Transportation Authority A Resolution By Authorizing The General Manager As The Audit Officer Of This Municipality
- Resolution No. 1995-03
County Transportation Authority To Negotiate A Contract For The Provision Of Operational Services With The Company Named In The Attached - Resolution No. 1995-02
A Resolution Adopting A Budget For The Mason County Transportation Authority For The Calendar Year Beginning January 1,1996
- Resolution No. 1994-02
A Resolution By The Mason County Transportation Authority Amending The 1994 Budget As Previously Adopted
- Resolution No. 1993-05
A Resolution By The Mason County Transportation Authority Adopting Minimum Loss Control Standards - Resolution No. 1993-04
A Resolution By The Mason County Transportation Authority Amending The 1993 Budget As Previously Adopted - Resolution No. 1993-03
A Resolution By The Mason County Transportation Authority Adopting A Special Events Service Policy - Resolution No. 1993-02
A Resolution By The Mason County Transportation Authority To Authorize The Chairperson To Sign All Agreements And Contracts With The Washington State Department Of Transportation And Other State Agencies As Required - Resolution No. 1993-01
A Resolution By The Mason County Transportation Authority Authorizing Approval By The Signatures Of Two City Commissioners And Two County Commissioners, Without A Formal Motion, Vouchering Of Regular Monthly Contractual Payments
- Resolution No. 1992-10
A Resolution By The Mason County Transportation Authority Authorizing Participation In The Washington State Transit Insurance Pool - Resolution No. 1992-09
A Resolution Adopting A Budget For The Mason County Transportation Authority For The Calendar Tear Beginning January 1, 1993 - Resolution No. 1992-08
A Resolution Appropriating Necessary Funds To The Current Mason County Transportation Authority Budget - Resolution No. 1992-07
A Resolution Defining Retirement Benefits For Dave O’Connell, General Manager Of Mason County Transportation Authority - Resolution No. 1992-06
A Resolution Establishing Medical, Dental, Vision And Life Insurance Benefits Package Of Employees On Mason County Transportation Authority - Resolution No. 1992-04
The Board Chairperson, Joyce Jaros Or The Board Vice-Chairperson, Laura Porter Be Authorized To Sign All Agreements - Resolution No. 1992-03
Amended 1992 Budget Appropriations - Resolution No. 1992-02
A Resolution Of The Mason County Transportation Authority Board Of Directors Adopting A Budget For 1992 - Resolution No. 1992-01
A Resolution Appointing David O’Connell General Manager Of Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area Authority And Fixing His Salary
- Resolution No. 1
A resolution of the Public Transportation Benefit Area Authority directing the County Auditor to place a proposition on the November 1991 General Election ballot seeking authorization to fix and collect a sales and use tax.
- PTBA Resolution 90-6
A Resolution Of The Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area Authority Hereinafter Called The Authority Fixing And Imposing A Sales And Use Tax For The Sole Purpose Of Providing Funds For The Operation Maintenance And Capital Needs Of A Public Transportation System And Authorizing The Chairman Of The Authority To Execute And Enter Into A Contract With The Washington State Department Of Revenue For The Collection Of The Sales And Use Tax As Provided In Chapter 82.14 Rcw - PTBA Resolution 90-5
A Resolution Of The Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area Authority Hereinafter Called The “Authority” Establishing, Levying, And Providing For The Collection Of A Special Motor Vehicle Excise Tax For Transit Purpose